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What is Life Coaching?

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What is Life Coaching?

More and more people are asking this specific question these days. Depending on who you ask, the answers will be all over the board.

Some people think life coaching is?





It's Not...

While these fields have their respective place in our world, they are not life coaching.

Life coaching is a dynamic partnership between a coach and a client for the sole purpose of improving the client's life. It is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires the client to maximize their personal and professional potential. 

At Freedom Life Coaching, life coaching can be summarized in one word RESULTS.  Life Coaching is all about getting RESULTS. And a Freedom Coach can help you achieve the RESULTS you desire.  

If you want to sit on a couch and discuss why your 5th Grade teacher was mean to you for the next five years, then Freedom Life Coaching is not for you.  

We are RESULTS oriented. We inspire MASSIVE ACTION. We help clients TRANSFORM their lives in a short period of time.  

Are you ready?

Speak with a Freedom Coach Today.